
The Governing Council of the University of Granada, in its ordinary session of 27 November 2008, approved the Regulations of the University Archive of Granada. With the implementation of these regulations, the aim is to provide this service with a legal framework that enables its operation.

The Governing Council of the University of Granada, in its ordinary session on December 16, 2024, approved a partial amendment to the Regulations of the University Archive. The implementation of this amendment aims to ensure a more efficient and appropriate functioning of the Administrative Document Evaluation Committee of the University of Granada, adapting to the current management and regulatory needs of the Archive.

The Governing Council of the University of Granada, in its ordinary session on December 16, 2024, approved the public fees that will govern the reproduction/digitization services of the Archive.

The Heritage Technical Notebook number 12 was dedicated to the Archive and you can download it from our website.