Request for reproductions of documents

Reproductions of all documents that are publicly accessible can be requested from the Archive. No photocopies will be made of documents dating from before 1960, only digital copies.

Researchers undertake to deposit a copy of everything reproduced in the Archive, as well as to indicate in their publication the source, with the acronym of the Archive (AUG), the fonds and the reference number of the documentary and/or archival units. Both the reproductions made by researchers and those digitised by the archive, at the request of users, will be included in their corresponding registers.

Researchers must expressly state that the reproduction is intended solely for study and research purposes, with no profit motive, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 1/1996 of 12 April, approving the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law, which regulates, clarifies and harmonises the provisions in force on the subject. Furthermore, they must declare that they are aware of the content of these regulations, respecting what is established therein and in other regulations with regard to copyright and other aspects of intellectual property. Furthermore, they undertake not to publish or pass on to third parties the reproductions supplied by the Archive without due authorisation from the Archive.

  • The FEES for this service can be consulted in the 2025 public prices, approved at the ordinary session of the Governing Council on December 16, 2024 (BOUGR 260, 12/20/2024).

Payment into bank account number *ES39 2038 3505 37 6400003250, indicating as concept: Reprografía Archivo Universitario. Once the deposit has been made, we will send the digitalisations to your e-mail address. Prior to this, you will be informed of the cost of the reproductions and the user must send us a copy of the deposit to the e-mail 


Información básica sobre protección de sus datos personales aportados

  • Responsable: Universidad de Granada
  • Legitimación: La Universidad de Granada está legitimada para el tratamiento de sus datos, siendo de aplicación las bases jurídicas previstas en el art. 6.1 del Reglamento General de Protección de Datos que correspondan en función de la finalidad pretendida por usted en el formulario de contacto.
  • Finalidad: Gestionar su comunicacion.
  • Destinatarios: No se prevén comunicaciones de datos, salvo que sea necesario para gestionar su solicitud.
  • Derechos: Tienen derecho a solicitar el acceso, oposición, rectificación, supresión o limitación del tratamiento de sus datos, tal y como se explica en la información adicional.
  • Información adicional