Services for researchers

The University Archive is of great value for the knowledge of both the institution itself and the history of the city of Granada, due to its antiquity and the roots that this institution has always had in the society in which it is located.

The University Archive of Granada comprises a series of documentary collections and also has a photographic collection, made up of images that reflect various events, people or facilities related to the University.

The services currently provided by the Archive as an information resource for researchers and the general public are as follows:

  • Consultation of the documentation in the room during the hours established for this purpose.
  • Remote consultation, through the consultation form provided for this purpose.
  • Consultation of the description tools (pdf)(manual and automated) available in the archive, either autonomously or with the assistance of staff.
  • Consultation of the Auxiliary Library of the Archive, which has more than 4.000 volumes specifically dedicated to archival and documentary techniques and to the history of Granada and institutions related to university history. The copies of this catalogue that are available in the Archive appear under the reference number AUG.
  • Reproductions of the documentation held by the Archive. These reproductions will be carried out in digital format at a cost; you can consult the 2025 public fees. Researchers can make their own copies with a digital camera or request them from the Archive. Documents dating from before 1960 may be photocopied if their state of conservation allows it.

It can be requested remotely using the Request for reproductions of documents form.

Request for authorisation to consult restricted documents Data protection

  • User evaluation survey

User evaluation survey about the University of Granada Archive, your opinion about our services helps us to improve, it won't take you more than 2 minutes.